Massage creams are important items when applying massage therapy to individuals. During massage, cream provides the correct balance that is easier to work with between massage oil and absorbable lotion. Creams are easy to glide on the skin providing a surface that is not dry or wet. One such cream is Biotone dual purpose massage cream.
Features of Biotone dual purpose massage cream
Arnica, Vitamin E, vegetable Glycerin, Aloe Vera Oil and Arnica Extract are among the major ingredients that make this dual purpose cream. Cream experts say it provides a thick texture which is rich and non-greasy. The cream offers performance of high quality with minimal reapplications. Extended workability, versatility, and its ability to offer an effortless glide are the main features that are attributed to this cream. An effortless glide is the most important; it makes it easy to apply and does not cause any irritation.
Pros and Cons
- Biotone dual purpose massage cream provides nourishment for the skin and does not leave a greasy feeling after treatment
- After treatment it leaves a smooth conditioned skin.
- Does not need re-application to achieve the desired results.
- Its versatility makes it suitable for both light and heavy treatments.
- Biotone dual purpose massage cream might be expensive for other consumers who might not afford it.
- It can cause a burning effect or a feeling of irritation if not correctly used as per the manufacturer’s instruction
Customer reviews:
- This is the one of the best cream I have used so far even though people say it is not plumbable. I always put it in a short pump jar and I do not add any other substance to make it work better. It works very well. I adore it. Jane Rowland. New York. March 2012
- I didn’t know the Biotone dual purpose massage cream works so perfectly till I tried it. A friend of mine directed me to a store in L.A where I bought it. The results were just amazing. No skin irritation. I definitely recommend it. Vane Smith. Los Angles. April 2012.
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