As a customer, nothing could possibly be worse than receiving a dry massage. As a massage therapist, nothing could possibly be worse than giving a dry massage. When a massage is given with no oils, lotions or creams, there is a large amount of friction between the skin of the therapist and the client. This friction causes the massage to be very uncomfortable and can even cause a significant amount of pain.
Benefits of Using Massage Cream
As with everything else within the massage therapy industry, massage cream has a large number of benefits, which is why it is so popular among therapists. Here are some of the most important benefits found:
- No Friction – As already mentioned, friction is not good in massage therapy. Massage cream, when applied, will reduce the friction on the customer’s skin so that the therapist’s hands can glide easily and effortlessly over the customer’s skin to provide an effective massage.
- Moisturizing – Massage cream also works as a very effective moisturizing agent on the client’s skin due to their emollient properties.
- No Stains – While oils can easily stain your linens as well as your client’s clothing, massage cream usually does not contain any ingredients that would stain clothing, linens and other fabrics.
- Non-oily – Oils cause your customer’s skin to be greasy after the massage, which can be very uncomfortable. The client feels as though they need a shower even after any excess oil has been removed from the skin. Massage cream offers a comfortable, non-greasy feeling.
- Less Product – Lotion tends to dry up quickly on the client’s skin, resulting in more lotion needing to be applied. With massage cream, this is not necessary, as it lasts longer on your client’s skin, eliminating the need to interrupt the massage session to apply more product.
Features of Free Up Massage Cream
There are numerous types of massage cream available on the market, but the Free Up massage cream is by far one of the more popular types. Here is why:
- Unscented
- Non-greasy
- Exceptional lubricity
- Superior tissue perception
- Fantastic glide
- Doesn’t dry out on the client’s skin
- Slow absorption rate
- Hypoallergenic
If you don’t use some type of professional massage cream when giving a massage, you won’t have a business for very long. Ensure that you have plenty of Free Up massage cream on hand to use for a smooth, comfortable and pain-free massage.
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